Break Time
Howdy all. As you hopefuuly know, last weekend was Thanksgiving. Yay! That means that i was home gettign to see a lot of beautiful faces i hadn't seen for quite sometime. I even got to see some beautiful faces i had never seen, as well as some rather angry, unattractive faces that i would prefer to never see again. But that is the grab bag of life. Its wild to think that i'll be repeating the journey back to Indian territory in less than three weeks. Finals will soon be over (for better or for worse). Dear me, there is a very soft electronic buzz issuing forth from one of the many devices surrounding me. Wuite distracting. Like a fly around your ears, except you can;t swat it, or even locate it. So i geuss the only similarity is the buzzing. **sigh** So i'll be back for Christmas in a few weeks. I have started gathering Christmas music and listening to it. It's pretty great. I also started Season 2 of 24...also great. Perhaps i shouldn;t have started at a crunch time in the academic year, but eh, i did it, and now there is no going back. Here are some pics.
OK, this is kind of hard to explain. A few years ago my dad started picking up some of the many fallen acorns that litter our driveway and yard. He then began to toss the acorns at our birdfeeder in the front yard. Soon i began to imitate his actions, like some sort of dog or toddler, or dog. One Sunday, this casual tossing became a competition to see who coudl hit the squirrel guard below the bird feeder. Then that competition became structured. We stood on the deck, each armed with 25 potential oak trees, and alternated throws. He who struck the squirrel guard the most times would win. Now that competition has evolved into a thanksgiving tradition which crowns the king of acorns. As you can see, i won this year, in sudden death overtime mind you, 6-5 over my brother Paul. I am holding the trophy which now bears my name in oh-so-tiny print. We have to leave room for future generations of acorn tossers. Exciting times at the Carr household :).
Wireless internet rocks.
My sister and i are geared up for a brisk thanksgiving morning run. In no way could this have compensated for the masses of food that we consumed later that day, but every little bit helps i guess. Check out the size of that watch...yeah, its not mine.
SPARE TIME BOWLING! The best kept secret in the dice game industry, and almost the best kept secret in all of gamedom (second only to Dealer's Choice). If you coem over, ask to play this game. I guarantee plenty of ridicule, screaming and downright bad luck.
I would finish with a poem, but i feel it is too long for this post. Thank me later Ben.
i'd thank you...but i'm still trying to figure out what your dad is holding in that last picture...
its a figurine of a deer
I was actually thinking it was a miniature deer, but that sounded too absurd to be true...
Deer are my friends!!
every time i look at that last picture i always think you guys are "helping" your dad!! lol, say it aint so! cant wait to have you back.
This is very interesting site... » » »
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