
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Waiting Willfully For Wizards

As most of you know, or even if you didn't know, you should assume this to be fact, I went to the midnight show of Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire on Thursday Night/Friday Morning.

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This is the building across the street from the theatre we went to. When people asked what we were waiting for (and lots of people did since we got there at 2:30 in the afternoon), my friend Myles and I juast pointed at this building. Some people looked up to the sky in confusion. Others stared confused. Some thought that November 18th was a week away and that we were insane. Others gave a proud nod. Still others asked, "So is Harry older now?" Ummm...yes. Well that person really should have just kept walking

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Good ole Tommy Lee Jones kept us company while we sat planted on the sidewalk for 9.5 hours. My toes...AHHH!

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Thats the front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. The place holds a bajillion people, has a screen almost as wide as an Imax, and houses a THX certified sound system custom built to work optimally only in that theatre. THe movie wasn;t even shown on film. A Digital Light Projector eliminated all those annoying cracks and "cigarette holes" on normal prints. fantastic.

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So it was light, and now it's dark. 3 hours down, 6.5 to go! Oh, and you see shrek standing there. There are lots of people outside of Grauman's trying to get money by dressing up as movie characters. All these people are a little off the beaten path to say the least. By the end of the day/night, many of them were friends with Myles and I. They would just come over and chat w/ us while they were taking a break. Somr asked about our college careers, others abotu favorite movies. All were congenial. Good times.

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Just a blurrier, wider shot of the front of Grauman's. Most of those people in front are Asian tourists. You are probably wonderign why there arent any pictures of myself or any of the other members of my group in here. Well, i left my camera sittign on the sidewalk we were sitting on, and apparently cement drains the batteries of electronic devices. I had three people tell me this that night and i had never heard of the phenomenon before...crazy. So this concludes my briefing. I'll be home soon...yay.


Blogger the Opinionator said...

sorry thomas, concrete draining batteries is a myth.


I dunno what happened to your camera, but it wasn't the concrete's fault. Think before you blame concrete.

Ben Nelson
President of FFTC (Foundation for the Fair Treatment of Concrete)

3:51 PM  
Blogger Staci said...

that building's freaking amazing

11:00 AM  
Blogger Foolish Thing Nine said...

Man, I feel like I suck at life. I havn't seen HPGoF, I'm not coming home for break, and I didn't even try NaNo. Something must be horribly wrong with me...

5:31 PM  

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