
Friday, February 18, 2005

Inside My Head No Longer

Alright, basketball, girls basketball, definitely not as entertaining as the guys, but still cool to see them play hard, and win. I wonder when Anna will get here, and Nathan, and Crandall, and Crandall, and how many girls he will bring with him. O my, there are too many Anna's here. Dribble with your freaking left hand, you're not 8 anymore!Where are we going to go? My house would be nice...she what? She quit? Are her sources reliable? Hmmm...probably. Well i guess i shouldn't expect any more from her. She is one of them. Probably got scared off by the demerit threats of Mr. W. for skipping practices. Good riddance. They gave her part to Savannah? That's ok, i mean ireally wanted to at least act opposite someone cool since i got raped on the casting, but hey that's ok...THEY REPLACED HER WITH WHO? Looks like a new lover for me, alright. I don't want to here that defeatise attitude, i want to hear you upbeat...WE"RE SCREWED (by we i mean i, and i don't really mean i. But if i have meaning, it is i)!! And the hits just keep on coming. Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? Or better yet, why don't you go die? That was funny...here we go. Your house? My house? her house? Nothing to do. Nice TV. Ok, my house, i'm leaving. Hey guys, welcome, this is my house. Kind of a weird group. Thanks for coming and making this awkward, and for disrespecting my house, but i really never told you otherwise. Covert conversation everywhere. I feel like no one really wants to be here. Like this is some purgatory in their Friday night. Oh, she has to leave...too bad, oh, everyone is leaving...surely not--...dang, i'm here all alone. Why don't some girls speak up and others shut up? Why don't some shout out and others chill out and still others get the heck out? Why do you insist on tormenting me so? Nate, what'd she say?...typical. I still can't believe you are leaving. Not that i really had anything to do, but seriously. Since when does no girls+no surround sound+a crappy dvd player=a better place? I'll call you tomorrow, and you, and you. Good thing i don't have to work tomorrow (?). Good thing i dont have homework to do (?). Good thing I'm a Christian. Imagine me not being one...kinda scary i think. I hope tomorrow is like today, except way better and with less Yankee Candles to blow out. Walmart? Who goes there for fun late at night when TPing isn't involved? I keep typing ;s instead of 's...kinda annoying. Wanna read about letters to a serial murdering winged beast? It's called To Killa Mockingbird.

Whew, that was a little scary. My head was a little messy and needed some cleaning. My efforts to turn this blog into my own personal pensieve seem to have worked. I'll call ya...if you really think i will.


Blogger Pureblood Prince said...

Dana, i don;t think i get your meaning? Do we sound scary? Or just a little boring?

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site »

6:22 AM  

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