
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Post-Valentine's Post and the Post

Finally, the hours of forced fake emotion and vocal stress are over. The smiling faces may have been nice, but not nearly as nice as that of Donnie Darko in his hypnotic state. Hitting on elementary school girls gets old after a while, i'll be honest. But there were definitely things i got from my day of driving around town all day singing (After all, the best way to spread Valentine's cheer is singing loud for all to hear).

First off, don't let people who think they know their way around Topeka lead your group. People who actually know their way around and read complete driections are much mroe reliable. On that same note, Northern Hills Middle School is on the North side of town, not the South (wierd). Don't ever doubt my knowledge of NorTo (Brady and i have that copyrighted). Second, you get really condescending looks when you walk into a public school in a group of formally clad boys and girls, that is until you sing, then you get confused looks "Why the heck are you putting yourself through this?" Honestly, i like singing the same songs a lot, and earning money for my school. Public relations baby!

Today, the post brought me my new Adidas Escudo jacket that i got on Ebay (retail: $60. my amazing deal: $35). The sleaves were too long, but my rockin' mom fixed that up good as new. Sewing...what a dying art. I love my mom.

Tonight, i am thinking about turning in early and embarking on an adventure into Part 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird. A more likely scenario is getting stuck on the phone or internet wasting my time (not that talking to people is wasting time...well ok, usually it is). I envy you public schoolers who see that the end is near, not that i am living for the future or anything. i leave you with this:

"Mr Iliff, why aren;t you wearing your PJs? It's pajama day?"
"These are my PJs," he says wearing slacks, shirt, tie, and sport coat.
"OK, so you don't have school spirit."
"Blain, take off your hat," Blain removes hat, "Blain, put it back on," Blain laughs and leaves it off because he knows Iliff really wants him to keep it off but also wanted to take a cheap shot at Blain's awesomely crazy curly mess of hair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the fact that you spent all of yesterday singing, how come I didn't get sung to over the phone?! I cried myself to sleep.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Pureblood Prince said...

freaking i before e...stupid english...

5:39 AM  
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1:39 AM  

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