
Sunday, February 06, 2005

The introverted Absentee

Super bowl Sunday came at last, and i was determined to suck every minute out of it. So i didn't leave the house all day, not even for church, yeah that's right, i skipped. when i woke up i decided i would rather read my Bible and one of those male-directed religious books for a while and study for my huge test in lieu of church. Then, when my family got home from church, i was ready for the full day of super bowl-centered television that today held.

i am sure some of you are in awe of my sacrilege, and maybe rightly so, but if i had gone to church, my mind would have been elsewhere, and i had a pretty good time at home. It also gave me, the introvert that i am, more recharge time. Now being an introvert does not mean i am scared of people as Nathan would like to have you think. It just means that i get sick of people, not anyone in particular, just people. So i usually choose to hide in my woodland cabin on Sunday afternoons...as a not very wise acquaintance often says "no regrets" (this phrase is too often used as some license to not care about the sin in your life...grrr). What are you my friend? Fueled by the masses, or recharging alone in the corner?

Yesterday i was struck with the flaw in the first chapter of a novel i started writing/brainstorming. It isn't supposed to be a novel. It's supposed ot be a screenplay. i guess it's probably cuz i feel more familair with the film medium since i am a typical lazy american. Anyways, there are these four guys who hang out...adultery...poker...the works. I'm sure it will suck, but now i at least know where i am going with it. i might post pieces as it comes. On a side note, the Happy tree friends site is back up...it was being gay yesterday and today (stupid DSL).


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