
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Technology (sigh)

I jsut finished compiling a post full of quotes i really like from my computer and the internet, but Internet Explorer just crashed, so all is lost. What i love about a program crashing is that little "send error report" window that comes up. As if telling microsoft how much they suck is going to help the situation, and as if it makes any difference. "uhh, mr, gates, we got 2 million error reports today, i guess that means our company sucks." No sir, it means that america is dumb, and will buy your product no matter what? Remember, you just made 100,000 dollars in the time it took me to type this.

Technology is such a good thing when it works. But oh, when it screws up, I wish i was Amish. Give me an abacus man. Throw me in a log cabin with walls of books. I'd yell, "Dad, my book just stopped working!"
"No son, you are reading it upside down and its dark."
Sure enough...books dont stop working...silly me. That's the thing with new cars too. So much can go wrong. Just the other day one of my power windows stopped working, as did a power mirror. It made me hearken back to the days of Mr E-clipse (second post mention in two days) when i laboriously stretched to reach that window crank on the far side, and prodded that window adjuster, trying to get it at jsut the right place.

The other day my remote for the big screen died, and the universal backup didnt have Picture in Picture. NO PIP!! What does a man do when two equally good programs are on, one of which doesn require sound (sports)? Must i use flashback? NOOO! Imagine if all remotes stopped working, and we had to get our lazy butts off the couch! I would definitely be buying a boomerang and going the Foster's (Australian for beer) route.

All that to say, I'm getting a Mac, and my post full of great quotes will have to wait for another day, although i did update the potter quote! Later friends.


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