
Saturday, January 22, 2005

All in anticipation

A wasted day rested on top of the trashcan. Next to it rotted grapefruit rind and a pear core. The day had all the makings of a well used day, or at least one that brought some short-term happiness. Unfortunately, KU got stomped (nothing to do with trashcan lids), poker didn't work out, and the boy just sat in front of his computer screen searching for burnt out pixels (there were none on the 1024x768 screen. you do the math). Eventually i (i mean he) did watch a mediocre movie with his dad. Tomorrow, football playoffs await, along with lengthy Bible readings.

There it is, a true topic. Bible readings assigned as homework. Can anything make you feel more guilty? "No mom i don't want to do my homework!" "Well what is it?" "jeremiah 10-18" "What! you don't want to read your Bible? SATAN!"

Mom doesn't understand that something about forced education sucks life out of otherwise meaty texts. Take Crime & Punishment for example. While i absorbed Dostoevsky's commentary on society the dementing knowledge of the upcoming essay quiz blurred my focus. Time skipped. i was staring at a white sheet (flourescent lighting glared off it, damaging my eyes. Where was Mrs. Buller?) reading broad, subjective questions about who knows what. They didn't even test for comprehension. Whoa bunny trail. My point being that Bible assignments make the Bible less desirable. That makes Mr Illif and our school heretics! i would write out the syllogism, but it's fallacious.

I can't wait for the playoffs. Ice plated sheets of dirt. Sublimating breath. Bruschi (with a name like Bruschi, it has to be good. (Go buy Sports Illustrated just for the cover(parentheses w/in parentheses compliments of Sam))). I should go read my Bible (but it won't be the part i need to read for homework:). Later kids


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