
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Nothing Better part deux

After a wasted Sabbath, there is nothing better than to check your email and find that the only three messages in your inbox are from people you actually care about and were written with thought (you know who you are). As Brantley Dean put it, there is nothing more important to our "living in the Kingdom" than spending time with other people who want to do likewise, not quiet times, not praise and worship (by that i mean singing songs to God). The benefits of those two things should come naturally when you spend time with others who truly have the Kingdom as their goal. Are your "Christian" friends like that? Am i that type of person? Maybe sometimes. Certainly not while playing Halo, and usually not while playing poker. (i'm not sure if that last statement was true, but it felt good)

Baby sitting is not my thing. It isn't that bad, but i think i would rather clean McDonald's bathrooms for minimum wage.

Tomorrow i endeavor to make the most depressing holiday of the year a little more bearable for some 50 people. Hopefully i will remember the words for Logest Time. Schmoozing total strangers is the best...or maybe second best, next to schmoozing your friend's girlfriend...that's always pretty funny.


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