
Friday, August 05, 2005

This Sepia Nightscape

This sepia nightscape,
shadow-filled, silhouette-ridden,
and incandescent-lit,
welcomes four dozen foreigners
with an uneven roof,
incomplete with bottle-sheathed
rebar and 700 liter drums.

Alone, on one end,
surprisingly alone considering
the stark lack of seating,
sits a peacock-backed patio chair,
courtesy of NBC.

How I long to occupy its metal frame.
But it must be forbidden.

Perhaps local practical jokers
watchfully wait from a distance
for the first sucker to collapse
the whole chair. NBC was a farce.

Remember my descriptions
during dehydrating days.
Drink water; wear sunscreen;
hear the canine rows.
Spread the Gospel throughout
this sepia nightscape.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, i love it i love it, good work T (and Doug?)

6:34 PM  

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