
Friday, July 22, 2005

A Word Concerning Our Favorite Boy Wizard

Don't worry, no spoilers here (paul). I just thought i should address why i never posted the many opinions and emotions that reading HP&tHBP instilled in me. I really just don;t want to give anything away for all my readers (and we all know that there must be hundreds of them) who haven't read the book yet (losers).

Please don't doubt my dedication to the series. I had the book polished off with in 32 hours of making it home from camp, and all the interviews and fanchat the book has caused is high entertainment to say the least (wander through the HP links on the left if you are interested).

JK Rowling is a master of her art. I loved the book, and i will be more than willing to talk to any of you about most anything about Harry Potter.

On a side note, there is a new countdown ticking away down there!

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